Book Sale Cancelled July 5
Due to the holiday the July 5 book sale has been cancelled. The library will be open that day. The next book sale is Friday, July 19. Please note we are not open Saturdays for the summer until September 7.
Due to the holiday the July 5 book sale has been cancelled. The library will be open that day. The next book sale is Friday, July 19. Please note we are not open Saturdays for the summer until September 7.
Today’s Friends of the Library book sale will be closing at noon. The next sale is on Saturday, October 10. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The library will be closing at 2:00pm today due to local flooding.
The library will be closed on Saturdays from June 26 through September 4. We will reopen for Saturdays on September 11. The Broome County Public Library (185 Court St., Binghamton) is open from 9 AM till 5 PM on Saturdays throughout the summer.
Senator Tom Libous and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo sponsored a resolution commemorating the 100th anniversary of our library (see below, or stop by the see the original). We also received a note of recognition from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. a beautiful plaque presented by Town of Union Supervisor Rose Sotak, and a visit from Endicott Mayor John…
Local historian Tim Main will return to GFJ on Tuesday May 9 at 7 PM to present his program “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.” It’s a scorching review of fires which traumatized the old Village of Union in years past. If you love history be sure not to miss this fun-filled hour of narrative photos….
Main floor restrooms will be undergoing renovation and unavailable from December 13 until well into January. A unisex restroom will be available on the second floor. Facilities are also available at the Municipal and Police buildings, across the street from the library. Access to the adult audiovisual collection will also be limited during the week…