Some of these resources require a library card for access. Please contact us if you have any questions!
Read & Listen
Hoopla – Access over 1,000,000 titles (audiobooks, eBooks, comics, music, movies, and TV). Content can be streamed from any computer or mobile device by downloading the hoopla digital app for iOS and Android.
Libby & Overdrive – Browse and borrow our digital collection of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your computer or download the Libby app on your mobile device. Need help? Check out our eReader tips for instructions for most devices.

Books and Authors – Answer the age-old question, ‘What do I read next?’ Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics. (Available through NOVELny)
Local History & Resources

Endicott-Johnson Workers’ Review – E-J Workers’ Review publications spanning from 1919 through 1925.

Groundwater Monitoring Program – An inventory of the documents on file at GFJ Library related to this program.

Historical Newspapers – Our digital collection of newspapers from the Endicott area from 1855-1960. This includes Union-Endicott News, The Union Weekly News, The Union News, Lestershire-Endicott Record, The Endicott Bulletin, The Union Argus, The Endicott-Johnson Workers Review, and numerous E-J pamphlets and school publications. Funded in part by The Louis Alexander Family, the South Central Regional Library Council, and the Community Foundation for South Central New York.

Miscellaneous Historical Documents – A variety of local documents from the Endicott-Johnson Corporation and the Union-Endicott School District spanning the 1900s.

Town of Union Flood Publications – Links to the online Town of Union flood publications. Additional documents are available at the library.

Union-Endicott High School Yearbooks – U-E’s Thesaurus yearbook beginning in 1939.
Research & Learning
DMV Defensive Driving – Complete the New York State DMV-Approved Safe Driving Course for point and insurance reduction at a discounted rate through GFJ Library.

Four County Library System’s Research Center – Find information in business, health, literature, newspapers, magazines, and more.

Gale Reference eBooks – Exclusive access to eBooks on business, education, environment, literature, medicine, multicultural studies, religion, and science.

Health and Wellness – Search a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to alternative medical practices. (Available through NOVELny)

LegalForms – Access a wide selection of state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms and resources across the most popular legal areas. (Available through NOVELny)

Mango Languages – Learn a new language today with this interactive online foreign language-learning suite covering more than sixty languages! A mobile app is available allowing you to start, pause and return to your lessons at your own rate.

NUWAV Legal Documents – An online tool that lets you create professional-quality legal documents. Search for the document specific to your situation, answer the questions in the web input form, and review and print your document.

OneFile: High School Edition – Search magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference on a range of topics. Best for middle- and high-school students. (Available through NOVELny)
Business & Employment

Employment Resources – Many great resources for those seeking employment compiled by the GFJ Tech Center.

Business: Entrepreneurship – Learn how to start, finance, or manage your small business. Includes sample business plans, how to guides, articles, and more. (Available through NOVELny)

OneFile: Leadership and Management – Search authoritative periodical content covering topics like organizational dynamics, adult learning, and more. Updated daily. (Available through NOVELny)

New York State Civil Service Guides – Get information on civil services tests including test guides for some state and local examinations.

Peterson’s Test and Career Prep – Search thousands of college and graduate schools, identify scholarships, take practice tests, create resumes, and explore careers. (Available through NOVELny)