Book Sales
We typically hold book sales on the first and third Fridays and second Saturdays of each month. Please see below for sale dates!

Donations are being accepted! We accept hardcovers and paperbacks in good, sellable condition, news magazines up to a year old (12 or fewer magazines), jigsaw puzzles, CDs, DVDs, video games, and audiobooks. We’re sorry but we do NOT accept news magazines more than a year old, more than 3 cookbooks, encyclopedias, computer-related materials, textbooks, records, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, Reader’s Digest hardcovers, bibles, or board games.
Become a Friend of the Library!
For $5.00, help provide the extras which ensure this library serves the whole community. There are no obligations involved unless you choose to volunteer. You can drop off your membership at the library or mail it to the attention of the Friends of the Library. Make checks payable to “Friends of the Library.”
Who Are We?
Our purpose is to help support the library and its services. To that end, we hold used book sales on the first and third Fridays of every month from 10 AM to 4 PM and on the second Saturday from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. (There are no Saturday sales in July and August). We accept donations from the public during the sales. After necessary expenses, all monies generated by our efforts, including membership dues, are used for the benefit of the library.
We distribute a newsletter from the Friends to our members once a year in the fall. Our Annual Business Meeting is held on the first Tuesday in October, when elections for officers and directors take place. Dues are payable at this time.
We can use volunteers to work at the book sales. We work 3 shifts – 10 AM to noon, noon to 2 PM 2 PM to 4 PM on Fridays. the Saturday sales are one shift and we have 2 volunteers who work from 10 AM to 2 PM. If this interests you, we ask that you work with one of our experienced sales people once or twice to learn how things are done until you are comfortable with the job.
We have a crew of four to six members who come to the library at 9 AM on Mondays for one or two hours. At this time, we clean up after the sales: straightening the shelves, sorting donations, re-shelving and filling our 10 cent and free bookcases. some of the work is carrying bags and boxes of books. If you decide to work with us, we ask that you become a registered member. Please contact the library to be put in contact with the Friends if you would like more information!
Friends of the Library Program Photos
Look here for photos from George F. Johnson: A Well-Lived Life by Gerry Smith on October 4, 2022, Did An Alien Really Visit Nearby in 1964? by Ed Nizalowski on February 18, 2023, and On the Seamy Side of the Street: Colorful Characters from Broome County History by Gerry Smith on October 3, 2023.
You can also view this album on Google Photos.