We have reopened and will be open regular hours. Thank you for your patience!
We have reopened and will be open regular hours. Thank you for your patience!
The PCC is happy to welcome back the Two Rivers Photography Club! On Monday October 22 and 29 they will be leading a workshop on editing digital photos from 9:30- 11:30am. Seating is limited, so please do register ahead for this special opportunity. Stop by the PCC or call (607) 757-5359 to register.
The George F. Johnson Memorial Library Public Computing Center is pleased to announce that our June 2011 schedule is now available on the library’s website ( The PCC invites you to participate in our upcoming June workshops, with classes in Career Resources, Computer Literacy, and Internet Skills. We are offering the following workshops in June:…
Local historian Tim Main and Library Director Ed Dunscombe following Tim’s March 31st program on the history of Endicott’s libraries.
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. Local businesswoman Connie Gault agrees!:
Governor Cuomo has proposed $81.6M in Library Aid, which removes the additional $4M provided by the Legislature in the 2013-14 Budget ($85.6M). This represents a 4.7% cut in Library Aid! TAKE ACTION NOW! … The Executive Budget is not yet finalized – the Governor can restore this funding by amending his budget by February…
The GFJ Tech Center (formerly the PCC) is having a great first month of classes! The March schedule is now available at the library or on our website. Check out their page by clicking on the “Tech Center” tab above to learn more about these great classes. Become a Tech Expert with Atomic Training…