Emergency Closing
The library will be closing at 2:00pm today due to local flooding.
The library will be closing at 2:00pm today due to local flooding.
The Four County Library System will receive 4% back on everything you buy at Amazon if you go through the link below (or if you hit the “Buy Now” button in our new online library catalog). Any funds generated will be used to defray the automation costs of area libraries, including GFJ! www.4cls.org
There are only 2 weeks left to view the video from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium where they answered questions from our summer “Good Sports” participants. Check out the following info to watch before it’s too late!
We’re excited to announce an expansion of GFJ’s Digital Archives. We’ve added eight years of additional searchable, digitized local newspapers, extending coverage into 1923. The project will eventually carry coverage to 1960. We will soon add The E-J Worker’s Review. The Review was an in-house publication of the Endicott Johnson Corporation published from 1919 till…
Cutting Your College Costs Monday, February 20 George F. Johnson Memorial Library 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm College is expensive, but knowledge is power! With that in mind, it is critical for parents to be informed about the many ways to reduce the expense of higher education, especially loan debt, while at the…
All free and on Tuesday evenings. Refreshments will be served at 7 P.M. and the reviews will start at 7:30. Everyone is welcome! April 3: “The Terminal diner” by Mary Pat Hyland, reviewed by the author. A story set in a diner in Binghamton looks at September 11th’s influence on people far from the scene….
Jane Yolen, author of over 300 popular children’s books, will visit Binghamton on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. Sponsored by the Binghamton Area Reading Council, the agenda includes registration & cash bar (5-6 PM); Buffet dinner (6-7 PM); Presentation titled “Poetry for Children and the Three Rs: Reveal, Revision, and Reinvention” (7-8 PM); and door prizes…