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Open Columbus Day
Yes, GFJ will be open on Columbus Day! Stop by, pat our Columbus bust on the head for good luck, and find your next great read!
Library Board Seat Available
Our library is looking to fill a vacancy on its Board of Trustees. The term of office runs through December 2018. Meetings are usually held on the third Thursday of each month (excluding August) at 7 PM. This is a volunteer position. Applicants must be residents of the Town of Union, which includes the villages…
We have reopened and will be open regular hours. Thank you for your patience!
Step Up to the Plate @ Your Library
Get ready for the new baseball season & brush-up your library skills by Stepping Up to the Plate @ Your Library. Step Up to the Plate @ your library encourages people of all ages to use the print and electronic resources available at their library to answer a series of trivia questions designed for…
U.S. Census is hiring
The U.S. Census Bureau is hiring census takers at $13 per hour. Information & practice tests forms are available at our library.
Summer Hours Have Started
The library will be closed on Saturdays from June 26 through September 4. We will reopen for Saturdays on September 11. The Broome County Public Library (185 Court St., Binghamton) is open from 9 AM till 5 PM on Saturdays throughout the summer.