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Introducing Playaways!
The Playaways are here! Watch this video to learn how to use the latest all-in-one audiobook available to check out at GFJ!
i3 Permit Document Library
GFJ maintains a library of documents related to the i3 Electronics Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Huron Campus in Endicott. Electronic copies may be read below. We also maintain paper copies that may be read at our library, 1001 Park Street in Endicott. Industrial SPDES Permit Fact Sheet State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Discharge Permit Notice…
2010 State of America’s Libraries Report
The American Library Association has released its annual report on America’s libraries.
Introducing Flipster!
The Four County Library System and its member libraries would like to welcome Flipster to our Research Center lineup. Flipster is your one-stop-shop for Digital Magazines. It allows you to browse the latest or back issues of our most popular magazines and download them to either your computer or tablet. Flipster is easy to use,…
National Library Week April 11-17
Every day 300,000 Americans get job-seeking help at their public library. There are more Wi-Fi hotspots at public libraries (12,000) than at Barnes & Noble and Borders book stores combined. Every month 2.8 million business owners and employees use resources at public libraries to support their small businesses. Every day Americans borrow 2.1 million DVD’s…
Public Computing Center Event
GFJ will host a formal opening of its Public Computing Center (PCC) on Thursday, April 28 at 1 PM. Congressman Maurice Hinchey, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Mary Ann Stiefvater of the New York State Library will offer remarks, and staff will demonstrate PCC services. Light refreshments will be provided. Please join us for this special…