Introducing Playaways!
The Playaways are here!
Watch this video to learn how to use the latest all-in-one audiobook available to check out at GFJ!
The Playaways are here!
Watch this video to learn how to use the latest all-in-one audiobook available to check out at GFJ!
The library’s September board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00pm. It has postponed because of the storm. Thank you for your patience!
TUESDAY EVENINGS: Refreshments 7 PM, Review @ 7:30 PM OCTOBER 5 – “ The Lacuna” by Barbara Kingsolver. An epic journey from the Mexico city of artists Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo to the America of FDR, Pearl Harbor, and J.Edgar Hoover. A poignant story of a man pulled between the two nations. Reviewed…
Our recent software upgrade is apparently blocking patrons from using our Overdrive (Download Zone) e-book/audiobook service. We have been informed that the problem should be resolved by tomorrow (Saturday, June 27) and regret the inconvenience.
The Download Zone is coming to GFJ! Beginning Tuesday 1/18, you can download books to your e-reader, mp3 player, phone and more. Check out this announcement from the Four County Library System and come back on Tuesday to take advantage of this great service!
Learn how to market items for sale on e-bay, the popular Internet auction & sales site. Natalie Dolan of the U.S. Post Office will present a free class on Thursday, September 15 from 2 – 3:30 P.M. in the Scott Room. Also covered will be how to choose the best shipping options. E-mail to…