Fun Foreign Language Learning!
Have you tried Mango, GFJ’s online foreign language learning suite? Here’s a brief introduction video. Click the Mango icon on our web site ( to begin (requires a GFJ-issued library card).
Have you tried Mango, GFJ’s online foreign language learning suite? Here’s a brief introduction video. Click the Mango icon on our web site ( to begin (requires a GFJ-issued library card).
From GFJ’s Digital Archives: “The Great Wilno” aka “The Human Cannonball” is fired from a cannon 250 feet into the air (and thankfully into his net) during the annual E-J Workers Labor Day celebrations. The event took place in front of an estimated 50,000 spectators at En-Joie Park (behind U-E High School) on Sept,. 2,…
Today is the library’s hundredth birthday! Help us celebrate! Visit the library to enjoy a piece of cake while you watch a slideshow from our first hundred years. Visit the library on Tuesdays, March 24 & 31 at 7:00 PM for Tim Main’s two-part history of the library. We’ll have more cake! Click here to…
Local historian Tim Main will return to GFJ on Tuesday May 9 at 7 PM to present his program “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes.” It’s a scorching review of fires which traumatized the old Village of Union in years past. If you love history be sure not to miss this fun-filled hour of narrative photos….
The Children’s Room has reopened! The front entrance and lobby are still inaccessible – please use the rear entrance. Thank you for your patience.
Try these free services: NoveList: A reader’s Advisory service available in Our Research Center (click the “Online Databases Here” icon on our web page and the “Literature” link after typing your library card number) Reader’s Advisor Online has just switched from a fee to a free database: Subscribe to any of the free “Bookletters”…
Senator Tom Libous and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo sponsored a resolution commemorating the 100th anniversary of our library (see below, or stop by the see the original). We also received a note of recognition from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. a beautiful plaque presented by Town of Union Supervisor Rose Sotak, and a visit from Endicott Mayor John…