Emergency Closing
The library will remain closed on Saturday, September 10th
The library will remain closed on Saturday, September 10th
The GFJ Library will be closing at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, December 31st and closed on Wednesday, January 1st. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
New York State’s Regents Advisory Council on Libraries (RAC) is asking New Yorkers what library services they will need in their local communities by 2020. Click on the image to take a short survey and share your 2020 vision for libraries!
There are only 2 weeks left to view the video from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium where they answered questions from our summer “Good Sports” participants. Check out the following info to watch before it’s too late!
Join former Village of Endicott Historian Tim Main for a two-part presentation on the “History of Endicott’s Public Libraries.” Part 1: Tuesday, October. 14, 7-8:30 and Part 2: Tuesday October 28, 7-8:30 in the Scott Meeting Room. Endicott’s first public library opened March 15, 1915 with the support of its namesake George F. Johnson. With…
A national survery funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reports that one-third of Americans (77 million) used public library computers to access the Internet in the last year. 40% received help with employment needs, 37% with health issues, and 42% with educational needs . The stats…
GFJ will host a formal opening of its Public Computing Center (PCC) on Thursday, April 28 at 1 PM. Congressman Maurice Hinchey, Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Mary Ann Stiefvater of the New York State Library will offer remarks, and staff will demonstrate PCC services. Light refreshments will be provided. Please join us for this special…