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Highland Park Winter Blast
The Highland Park Winter Blast has been changed to Saturday, January 29th! Stop by from 2:00 to 6:00 for a story, scavenger hunt, ice skating, snowman contest, ride the carousel, and more!
Carpet Update
The new children’s room carpet has been installed! We are working to get everything back into place. The children’s room will reopen tomorrow, Thursday 4/30 at 9:00 AM. Access to some portions of the collection will still be limited. We appreciate your continued patience as we complete this project!
Nightingale Sings Book Talk
Author Anne Crowley will give a talk on her book “The Nightingale Sings” on Saturday, February 11 at 1 PM in the library’s Scott (basement) meeting room. The book is the compelling true story of one woman’s courage, determination, and triumph over tragedy.
Savvy Social Security Planning Workshop
Is Social Security on your horizon? Deciding when and how to file can be a puzzling decision. A mistake could potentially cost you thousands. A representative from First Investors will present a “Savvy Social Security Planning” workshop at GFJ on Wednesday, July 29 at 7 PM. Join us in our Scott (basement) meeting room for…
i3 Permit Document Library
GFJ maintains a library of documents related to the i3 Electronics Wastewater Treatment Plant on the Huron Campus in Endicott. Electronic copies may be read below. We also maintain paper copies that may be read at our library, 1001 Park Street in Endicott. Industrial SPDES Permit Fact Sheet State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Discharge Permit Notice…
Financial Literacy Workshops
First Investors will be presenting a series of financial programs at GFJ over the coming months. The series will debut on Tuesday, May 19 with “Financial Literacy 101.” Topics to be covered include setting financial goals; budgeting & controlling debt; saving & investing; and assets vs. liabilities. The program begins at 7 PM and should…