Chalk Art Extravaganza
Tonight’s Chalk Art Extravaganza is on! Come down from 6-8 pm to create great art with Eric Maruscak!
Tonight’s Chalk Art Extravaganza is on! Come down from 6-8 pm to create great art with Eric Maruscak!
Take the library with you, wherever you go! With BookMyne you can search the catalog, check your account, place a hold, read book reviews, and more! Click here to visit our BookMyne page for more info!
The library’s September board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00pm. It has postponed because of the storm. Thank you for your patience!
Join the fun this summer and enter to win a gift basket filled with “Literary Elements”. For every five books read, fill out a reading log and drop in the box in the adult area of the library. Winners will be drawn the week of August 4. Pick up your summer reading packets at the…
GFJ, along with Your Home Public Library in Johnson City, have put together a couple short surveys to get your feedback about how we’re doing. Your input is vital as we work to tailor or collection, programs, and services to the wants & needs of the community. Library Survey #2 (10 questions)
Cutting Your College Costs Monday, February 20 George F. Johnson Memorial Library 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm College is expensive, but knowledge is power! With that in mind, it is critical for parents to be informed about the many ways to reduce the expense of higher education, especially loan debt, while at the…