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National Library Week April 11-17
Every day 300,000 Americans get job-seeking help at their public library. There are more Wi-Fi hotspots at public libraries (12,000) than at Barnes & Noble and Borders book stores combined. Every month 2.8 million business owners and employees use resources at public libraries to support their small businesses. Every day Americans borrow 2.1 million DVD’s…
GFJ Library Receives Grant Award
The Library has just received notice from Assemblywoman Lupardo’s office that we have been awarded $6,496 under the New York State Public Library Construction grant program to install a much-needed heating/cooling unit in our staff area. Much thanks to the Assemblywoman for her continued and long-standing support of public libraries.
Chalk Art Extravaganza
Tonight’s Chalk Art Extravaganza is on! Come down from 6-8 pm to create great art with Eric Maruscak!
Just a reminder that the library will be closed on Friday, January 25th due to the replacement of our heating and air conditioning system. We plan to reopen at 9:00am on Saturday 1/26. However, please call or check the website before visiting as a delay in construction could prevent our opening on this day.
Fracking Article in May 2011 Discover Magazine
The May 2011 issue of Discover magazine has a feature article on fracking for natural gas. The issue is available at our library.